Pumpkin Carving Oct26 by Tom the Cameraman on October 26, 2014 at 1:41 pm Chapter: comic An underrated art form indeed. Kinda gives “Jack O’ Lantern” whole new meaning. Just Sayin’. └ Tags: #halloween, adult humor, dirty pumpkin, erotic autumn vegatable art, erotic pumpkin, naughty pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin carving Related Comics ¬ 69 Shades of Black and Blue Halloween Decorating Ice Bucket #NotMyHoliday Fred’s Christmas Wish
I love the idea “Erotic Autumn Vegetable Art”…LOL ! thanks for the smiles !
Erotic pumpkin ink, exclusively at Sub Q Tattoo in Middletown, New York.
Good shit. Just spent the evening going through your comics..
If I had any money I would give you some.
Thx. Would love to take some money. But being as broke as we are, we know the value of free laughs. Got new stuff on the way. Keep checking back and spread the word. Drink it, smoke it, enjoy it.