Don’t Judge Me. To all other who made it to work the morning after, pantless or not, Happy New Year.
Posts Tagged newsroom humor
If I gotta suffer, they all can suffer. Truth is the only shots that make me feel any better come from a whiskey bottle. Just Sayin’.
I’m not saying you have to put out if someone buys you dinner. But if you don’t plan on it, at least be decent enough to just get a salad or something. Just Sayin’.
Not everyone who thinks they’re in charge is the ring master. Most of them are just clowns. Besides, how many times have you been in a meeting, bored to tears, wishing for some to throw a pie? Or a brick?[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cash is tight right now, but your contributions can feed a cameraman. For just pennies a day you can provide food, alcohol, or even lap dances. What are you waiting for ? You can make a difference. Just Sayin’.
We’ve all had that feeling when the phone rings or e-mail is opening that it ain’t gonna be good. Some more often than others. Just Sayin’.