We can get overwhelmed easily. Bogged down, or buried under worries and responsibilities. But even when given an impossible task, remember that in the end, the reward can be sweet. . . . or full of alcohol. Just Sayin’.
Posts Tagged cameraman
Sometimes, you look at where you are in your journey and are saddened that you haven’t gotten far enough. It’s like you’re running out of time and you think you should have gotten further. Everyone’s path is different, and none[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My colon really does appreciate the love. But as some of my friends who draw, write, sculpt, cook, etc, will attest that it’s funny what people actually like or are attracted to. People are more apt to read and comment[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you mess up, just admit it. Stop blaming others. A lot of stupid shit happened recently, especially in 2017. It’s not what you got served, but how you ate it. Get ready for 2018. Because if you’re still doing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The most common questions I’m asked when working in the field gathering news: 1) Why is my cable bill so high? 2) What’s that smell? 3) Who decides what stories get put on the air? It ain’t me. I’d be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Warning to Hackers and Thieves: I’m a CAMERAMAN. You ain’t getting much out of me. In fact, you’ll owe money. Just Sayin’.
She may be a High Risk Stock, not meant for long term growth, but she has a great portfolio. Just Sayin’.
They say find your Happy Place. That’s one of mine. Sometimes the difference between your happy place and sad place is how much money you got. Luckily, I still have one of Robert Downey Jr.’s Credit Cards. Don’t Judge Me.
And the stock prices of condoms and lube would skyrocket. That’s how you stimulate an economy. Just Sayin’. PS: Can’t wait to see Machine Head live in concert again.