Posts Tagged bar humor
Nothing gets strange chicks to sit on your lap like a Santa costume. Unless you’re in a strip club, then you just need some fat cash. Just Sayin’. Merry Holiday.
Happy New Year !!! Drink Responsibly, but most of all remember to drink. Unless you’re a recovering alcoholic, then just binge eat. Unless your a recovering over eater, then save some of the rest of us. Actually, F**k it. Enjoy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As long as Geebus is turning water into wine, He could do that multiplying fish trick to get me a couple more beers. Just Sayin’.
I really don’t care who’s picture is on U.S. currency. I’m more concerned with actually earning money. Besides, having a picture you may not like on your money will only make it easier to part with when you want buy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Both wear to much makeup. There are much more dangerous clowns out there. Idiotic kids and pranksters may be messing up Halloween, but stupid politicians are screwing up this country. Just Sayin’.
Stars in the stars. If only. Rest in peace or Rock the Afterlife. Which ever suits you. Nothing lasts Forever. Enjoy it while you can. Happy 2017. Good Luck. Just Sayin’.
We can get overwhelmed easily. Bogged down, or buried under worries and responsibilities. But even when given an impossible task, remember that in the end, the reward can be sweet. . . . or full of alcohol. Just Sayin’.
Sometimes, you look at where you are in your journey and are saddened that you haven’t gotten far enough. It’s like you’re running out of time and you think you should have gotten further. Everyone’s path is different, and none[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…